Making your Dream Become a Reality

For several years I have had the intention of writing a book. I have thought about it, talked about it, dreamed about it and now I am about to send it off to the publisher. I have been thinking about what happens as we go from an intention, to some specific goals, to some baby steps, to a true manifestation of our desires.

I can tell you that at the start, the idea of me actually writing a book seemed really crazy. I had some things that I wanted to write down and I loved the idea that someday they would be read, but making that a reality seemed like an impossible dream. So what I did was just start. I thought I could write down everything I had to say until I ran out of ideas and that is basically what I did. Then I asked people to contribute stories that would support what I had written and I collected some stories. And then…my dream got stuck. I just could not get it to move forward.

I finally decided that the timing just could not be right if it was that difficult. So I put it aside. My written pages got set in a room on a shelf–but were not forgotten. I would worry about it, talk about it, read some new ideas that I wanted to include and just generally let it simmer on a back burner for a couple of years. Then unexpectedly this year, I suddenly thought, the time is now or never.

So I pulled it all back out, began reading what I had written and thinking about what was I really wanting to say. And I began talking about it, and dreaming about it and actually meditating about it. Out of the blue, I talked with a colleague who is a fabulous writer and in less than an hour we had agreed to coauthor this  book. Now it is nine months later and it is about to go to the publisher. It seems impossible still and yet many many many baby steps later, we have a manuscript completed. During these past nine months things have worked like magic, information has come to us at just the right moment and opportunities that were essential but unimagined, presented themselves.  Everything we needed was given to us. We did have to be brave and step way out of our comfort zone, but the angels were clearly with us every step of the way.

So the message here is that you can have an idea, which becomes a dream and then becomes a series of goals which require one baby step after the other. And after some time,  your dream is a reality and you have grown enormously with the process.

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