Feeling Better Using Meditation

These are some particularly stressful times due to the Elections in the US which lead to  continuous negative ads everywhere you look. They are on TV, on radio, in the newspaper, on the web–continuous negativity that can make you feel hopeless no matter how the election turns out. Well, I decided to take a two day meditation holiday and I am so glad that I did. I turned off the electronics and tuned into the quiet. I spent many hours in meditation and walking outside in the gorgeous fall weather. My mood immediately improved and my feelings of calmness returned. I also could listen to my own inner authority about what was true or not true. And that means I returned to my center of true power. I really don’t have any power over anything else, but when I listen to my inner guidance, I have quite a bit of power over myself.

Feeling peaceful allowed me to again imagine the world I would love to see and to wonder about what steps I could take now to lead me in that direction. I felt connected to my Divinity and reminded that what we see in the outer world is really a reflection of what we are experiencing inside. My walk reflected the amazing calmness inside of me and I returned refreshed and happy.

I realize that for most people taking 2 days for a meditation retreat would be impossible. I believe that taking one afternoon  could really make a difference. Putting that time as a priority and just saying that will be your time for regenerating your energy will make it possible. Allowing your mind to truly slow down and to pull your energy out of the world for a couple of hours and into your inner self will be amazing. Peace be with you all.


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