Our Agreements to Have Challenging Lives for our Soul’s Growth

It is often difficult to imagine why some people are suffering with painful illnesses. or the excruciating loss of a child, or the addiction of a family member. What could possibly be the point of these horrible hurts? It is sometimes difficult to trust that what is happening is for anyone’s good. And yet while reading many books about the Life Between Lives and Past Life Regressions, the universal angelic responses to these questions are that the soul agreed to go through these challenging experiences in order to gain the greatest level of personal growth. If we just look at this life, it seems so unfair, so cruel. But if you look at the far bigger picture of why we incarnate to begin with, we begin to see that we are here to learn. We had other options of ways to grow and this is one of the most challenging ways. And each of us is a brave soul who agreed to come here to learn lessons in this denser energy. It is time to move into inner peace, with the knowing that all is well.

Right now everyone you see, no matter what shape they are in, is a courageous person who agreed specifically to come to earth at this time, to rapidly release old negative energy patterns, and to raise their own vibration as high as possible to help everyone at this time. If you wonder why things seem so challenging  it is because the energy is quite intense, and we are letting go of lifetimes worth of old hurts and fears.  We wanted to be here to assist the earth in this time of transition–and here we are. I have such respect for every soul who bravely came to learn their life lessons and to experience rapid soul growth.

The greatest gift you can give yourself and your friends is trust. If you can come to believe and know in your soul that what is happening is meant to be happening and on the soul level it is only for good, you can more easily accept and face the painful experiences you may encounter. There are no accidents and everything that is happening is meant to be happening. Surrendering to the belief that you can trust the Universe is the greatest gift you can give yourself or share with others.

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