Be the Healer You Are

We are all healers.  You, me, everyone.  Because each of us carries a spark of the Divine, and because we are all energy, we can use our own Divinity to direct that energy toward healing.  And the surprising thing is that it is our natural inclination to heal.

How do we mobilize our inner healing powers?  It’s simple, really.  All we have to do is to live in a state of compassion.

Compassion requires that we open our hearts. The rush of daily life, the pressure to get ahead, financial worries, and our obsession with material wealth and “stuff” are all things that draw us away from our hearts and into a closed state of disconnection from others.  But our compassion is there, waiting to be invited to the forefront.

How can we best cultivate our compassion?  We can use a simple lovingkindness prayer, which goes like this:

May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be peaceful.

We can direct that prayer toward ourselves, and then toward any person or being we wish.  I use it in traffic when I am frustrated, directing it toward the drivers who cut me off in traffic or who drive slowly.  It helps me to calm down and I end up feeling genuine love and compassion toward them and toward others.

When you open your heart and live in that space of compassion and gratitude, you embody healing energy and it affects everyone around you.  When you bring that open heart into your interaction with someone who is hurting, sick, or suffering in some way, your very presence is comforting and healing.  You don’t have to do anything else, just offer them your compassion.  Say the lovingkindness prayer silently for them and wish them freedom from suffering.

In this simple way, you are a healing presence.  Sometimes, that is the most important gift we can give.

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