Color and Sounds Ability to Raise our Frequency

Vivid colors, intriguing shapes, heart pulling expressions on the people’s faces, all are aspects of art. I just spent a week in New Mexico taking in as much art as I possibly could in the time that I had and wow–what an energy lift that was. I absolutely love the outside view of the mountains and the art inside of the galleries and museums. Powerful colors and images were everywhere–no wonder people are drawn from around the world to this area.

We know that color is a variety of frequencies and we know that we are all energy so it really stands to reason that exposing yourself to high frequency colors can raise your own frequency. It also tends to take us out of our reasoning mind and into the right brain. This means that any negative thoughts that you may be running in your subconscious mind, are given a rest while you steep yourself in the art. What an easy way to improve your mood, settle your nerves and generally amp up your energy field.

Music can also uplift your energy or take it down, depending on what you are listening to at the time. Using music and art to purposefully increase your frequency is an easy and delightful way to shift your mood, raise your frequency, and often improve your energy.

Of course going into nature offers the same opportunities for color, sound and beauty. Feast your eyes on the spring flowers, new growth on trees, the sounds of the returning birds and the impishness of squirrels. Allow yourself to be carried away from your own inner worries, into the present moment where peace exists immediately.

If it has been awhile since you visited your local art museum or gallery or since you played the music that just makes you smile, make time for it now. It is a quick and easy way to lift your spirits and bring your natural inspiration back into the present moment. Or if you are struggling for the time to do anything, step outside, and simply take five minutes to deeply enjoy nature. Bask in the sunlight. And if you find yourself humming, well so much the better.



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