Tarot for Personal Growth

Tarot cards offer a useful and fascinating way to see your life, as well as the tasks and challenges within it.  Religious beliefs sometimes preclude people from considering Tarot for themselves. (For a quick blog post on this you might like this link.)  Having felt free to explore spiritual avenues of all sorts, I looked into Tarot several years ago, and found in it a tool for spiritual growth and insight.  I decided to study Tarot and learned to do readings,  and  have found them to truly be helpful to many people. It is a way for people to deepen their connection to the subconscious mind and to increase their own personal growth.

The cards can shed light on life struggles, offering greater perspective and enabling someone to realize how they may be contributing to their own suffering.  The cards are honest — they will reflect what you already know to be true, but may not want to see. They may also confirm choices that you have made, or encourage you to pursue avenues that you have considered but have not felt certain were possible.  As with any divination, you are in control.  The cards reflect your energy at this moment, and reveal what the future could hold if that energy remains the same.  It does not decide your future, however; you are in charge of making the choices that decide your present and your future.

Tarot cards are usually rich with images that follow a certain theme.  Some depict goddesses, for example, while others depict Native American or ancient Greek spiritual figures.  These are only three among endless Tarot card themes.  Tarot readers sometimes carry several decks, enabling you to choose the ones that most resonate with you.  Others exclusively use cards with which they strongly resonate.  Either way, a skilled Tarot reader can offer you a wealth of information that enables you to gain new a perspective on your life.

If you would like to view an example of a Tarot deck, follow this link to see the deck that I prefer,  The Gilded Tarot.

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