Spring and the Power of the Unseen World

Spring just surprises me every year in a profound way. Since I often think I have to ” make  things happen,” can you imagine my shock when I see daffodils come up out of the ground after a hard winter?  I have been inside, trying to hang on through the gray days and have not even given a thought to getting into the garden. And yet, here are gorgeous, happy daffodils rising out of the dirt that just last week looked so lifeless. I am humbled yet again by what I forget every day–there is more power in the unseen world than in the physical world.

Having just gone through a time of recovery, the thoughts of all that I have not done go through my mind every day. I wonder if I will be able to get back into the swing of things again and “make things happen”. Then spring comes, and I realize that my prayers and my hopes and wishes have been seeding the unseen world, and many things will come about without me lifting a finger. I don’t mean to say we never have to do anything. We had to plant the daffodils at one time and we have to maintain our gardens. Still it is good to remember that we are not alone, there are unseen forces helping us every step of the way.

Please take heart, those of you who are exhausted from the past year’s struggles and give yourself a moment to reflect on spring–the rebirth–and trust that you are doing just fine as you are and there is support for you all around. You don’t have to work as hard as you think you do. Ask the unseen world for help and it will respond. Our big job is to notice and be in gratitude. One of my favorite teachers is Sonia Choquette who is always reminding us to ask our angels and to thank them.

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