The Joy of Using Collage for Self Discovery

For many years I have created an intention collage at the beginning of the year. I hang the collage in my office so that I see it every day. At the end of the year I look at it carefully to see what has happened in the year that is related to my collage. It is always gratifying to see how my dreams have come into reality and how images that I did not understand when I placed them on the collage, now are quite clearly significant.

There is another lovely process known as SoulCollage® which is used across the world for self discovery. The idea is to create 5″ by 8″ collages that each represent an aspect of yourself or a friend or archetype that are meaningful to you. Over time your card collection grows as does your awareness of different aspects of yourself and your community. You are able to use these cards for personal readings if you so choose and they are often even  more meaningful to you than a tarot deck might be since these cards came out of your own inner creativity. To see some gorgeous cards I recommend going to Daily Oasis and Sarah Gallant’s site.

Many people are truly terrified of trying to express themselves in any artistic way but I have consistently found that everyone can make a collage. All you need to do is tear out pictures from magazines that you are drawn to and then glue them to a poster board or small card. Because your images are already interesting or beautiful to you, the collages are just great–no real artistic talent is required. And without trying, you begin to discover things about yourself. No struggle, no expense, just the ease of creating images that are collections of other images.

We are all experiencing some very intense times and this is a way to be playful that is inexpensive, easy, and relaxing. It can also be a delightful way to spend time with some friends as you create some SoulCollage® cards or intention collages together.


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