One Simple Thing: Compliment and Compassion

My sister-in-law shared a valuable piece of wisdom over the weekend.  We were at a family gathering, and one of my nephews jokingly said something critical to his mother.  He intended it as harmless, of course.  My sister-in-law, upon hearing the comment he made, said to him, “You know, I have a suggestion.  Instead of saying something critical to your mother, find all the compliments that you can sincerely give to her.”

I have a tendency to be critical, and her advice resonated with me.  What a wonderful way to practice changing negative energy into positive.  And what a way to practice compassion instead of criticism.  I took her words to heart, and wanted to share them with you.

I’ve been using this as a practice when I notice that I am thinking or speaking critical things.  It softens me immediately, and opens my heart easily.  Try it yourself and see how it feels for you!



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