One Simple Thing: Awaken to Your True Nature

Welcome to One Simple Thing.  It’s my new twice weekly post designed to awaken you to your True Nature.

Today’s One Simple Thing is this:  find what you like right now.

Look around you.  I’m looking at my kitchen window, and I see two small plants on the windowsill.  Tiny red flowers bloom among bright green leaves.  Underneath is a big bowl of oranges.  I like this, the burst of color right in front of me when I look up from my computer screen.

Your desk, the carpet, something you can smell or touch or taste or see that is right there, right where you are, right now.  Notice it.  Just for a moment.

When you start applying this to what is here in this moment, and you do it throughout your day, see how it affects your state of mind.  See how you feel.  I think you will notice a pleasant change.


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