Living Simply for Inner Peace

So many people are being encouraged to simplify their lives, to pare down their possessions and to learn to enjoy the small things in life. In doing so, people are surprised to realize how much more they enjoy their lives, and how much less stressed they feel.

In my own life, I have found that doing less, spending more time in nature, and having time to really be with my family and friends, makes my life much more meaningful and joyful. I have learned that if you are too busy in life, stop doing anything for a full hour and just be–time slows down and everything comes back into its natural order.

We can get really overwhelmed with all of the stimulation of our electronics and our to do lists–we feel like we are running for our lives, trying to keep up and not really enjoying anything along the way. Slowing down can be challenging after that much stimulation–your body wants to jump up and get started on something–anything! But sit still, encourage yourself to truly stop and then just begin to notice what unfolds outside of yourself and within yourself. I love this video and thought you might enjoy it as well.

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