Clearing Negative Energy More Easily by Learning not to Take Everything Personally

Last week was an emotional one for me and I could not even figure out where the feelings were coming from. Instead of just letting them go, I held on tight and tried like heck to figure out what had led to these unsettling feelings. When nothing came to mind, I continued to hunt. Finally I just thought I need to clear these energies from my aura and move on.

A few days later, Jo Dunning, a fabulous energy healer, was speaking and she told her audience that the entire planet had been hit with a huge emotional wave. She explained that the feelings were intense, but the main cause of suffering for people was their need to personalize the feelings. She said that in fact those feelings were not personal. It was an energetic hit to the entire planet, and I think she was indicating that we might be seeing some more of these  emotional hits in the coming months. She offered an energy healing that helps the body to recognize that the feelings are not personal. When we know that something is really not ours, and it is not something we need to fix, we can simply let it go.

I got to thinking about it and I honestly believe that many things we get upset about are not truly personal. I believe that the more easily we can become detached from the feelings, the easier it will be to let them naturally move out of your space.  If you can ground yourself and allow any old memories that match the energy to just float away, the feelings can very quickly clear. Please see my page on Clearing Energy and hopefully you will be able to use these techniques and feel better rapidly and easily. None of us needs to suffer anymore. It is time to be more and more joyful. Let that stuff go.

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