Your Precious Gifts

So many people are asking the question ” What am I here to do?  What is my precious gift to give  in this time of transformation?” I see people really struggling with this issue and they feel genuinely confused. They believe they are here at this time for a reason, but they don’t believe they know what the reason is.

What if your most precious gift to give is something that comes naturally to you? What if it is something that you can do almost effortlessly and so you discount its value? I believe that we are here to offer what is our most natural ability. I believe that being yourself is the gift and that each of us can do things easily. Those natural abilities may be the very things that we are here to offer.

For example what if you are a very calm person who rarely has drama in your life? Maybe you naturally are the grounding for others who are overwhelmed. Perhaps you are a person with a natural gift for telling jokes and lightening the energy wherever you go. What  if this is your precious gift to offer? I find that I have always seen the treasures in other people and have tried to help them see their own gifts in a new light. I never thought this was a particularly great thing. Now I realize that people are just hungering to understand what they have to offer and they seem to be almost blind to their own innate strengths and the value that they can add to any situation.

Ask yourself what you do well, effortlessly and often without thinking about it. This may indeed be what you came here to do. We need everyone’s precious gift. Maybe you are the one in drama all of the time and you feel guilty about it. What if you are the one to sound the alarm that saves people from an impending natural disaster. Your dramatic energy could be what moves people to seek safety. We all  have different energy and each of us is needed to create this new world that is arising. Share your precious gifts.

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